For Linda and I, 2011 has been another great year, we have met and talked with soo many people that have contacted us through the ourtouringpast.com website and from when we have been travelling around this great country of ours. ( Our historic caravans aren’t just stored in a shed, we actually get out and use them. )

This year I also started writing technical articles for the Vintage Caravan magazine, and from the feedback that I have been given, they have been helpful to people buying and restoring a historic caravan, so keep an eye out at the newsagents for future editions and articles.
I would also like to than George for his help with the website, I know he doesn’t feel as though he is doing much but he is a great help.
Anyway Linda and I would like to wish all our friends a Very Merry Christmas and we also wish you all the very best for the coming year, 2012, which I know will be busy for Linda and I as we are expecting our first child in late February.
So have a Merry Christmas and a safe holiday break.
Richard and Linda.