Plans for the "Rover" caravan. 1940.
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:44 pm
Whilst digging about on 'Trove' I found a four part series on building a caravan, published in the Western Mail, a weekly paper in Perth. The articles commenced on the 21 March, 1940 and gave plans and enough details of construction to enable anyone with some basic skills to build it. They are worth reading as they give an insight into various parts of the construction, when to lay the lino, how to put the material on the roof and suggested external colours and the reason for them. There is no provision for 240v power or lighting, but there are instructions on fitting a built in radio aerial. The coupling is a very basic eye and pin. The van overall is not dis-similar to the Home Beautiful van, but then I guess it was the general styling of the time.
Checking out this post it seems the print might be too small to be a worthwhile read, it was a large format paper, about A3 from what I can see, so I will investigate adding a direct link to each of the Trove pages later.
It's a wonder someone doesn't build one of these vans from the plans, I'm certain it would be easier than some of the restorations and re-builds that are undertaken.Checking out this post it seems the print might be too small to be a worthwhile read, it was a large format paper, about A3 from what I can see, so I will investigate adding a direct link to each of the Trove pages later.