How to Post Photos to the Forum.

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Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:01 pm

How to Post Photos to the Forum.

Post by Richard »

Unlike free forums which have problems with photos being stored by a third party. :roll: :roll: :roll:
The forum has the ability to directly store and link the photos “in house” which overcomes problems with logging into photo storing websites, making links in posts and photos being deleted if not logged in within 30 days..

As with all photos being uploaded to a website, the photo size needs to be reduced to make uploading quicker, which also helps people with slower internet speeds to view the pictures quicker.
I use a free image resizer which can be found here ... e-resizer/
Just click on the download Light Image Resizer for personal use button and follow the prompts.

I temporarily copy and paste the required picture to my desk top to make finding it easier. Then it’s a simple matter of right clicking on the picture and then click on Light Image Resizer in the drop down list.
Once this is done the following box will appear.
Screen 1.jpg
Screen 1.jpg (103.04 KiB) Viewed 4554 times
I change the image size to 1600 x 1200 pixels (as shown in the first highlight). I then reduce the image quality to about 30%, (as shown in the second highlight), but this can be increased or decreased depending on the original size of the picture. It is simply a matter of clicking on the Process button at the bottom and a copy of the picture will appear on the desk top.

Now to post a picture on the forum.
Once you have joined the forum and signed in, you will need to decide if you are going to start a New Topic or Post a Reply to an existing topic as shown below (1).
Screen 2.jpg
Once you have clicked on New Topic or Post Reply the following screen will appear.
Hint..If you are adding a New Topic don't forget to give it a title in the subject box at the top.
Click on the browse button (1) and locate your resized picture on the desk top, then click on Add The File button (2) and the photo will be uploaded to the website.
Screen 3.jpg
The picture will be added as an attachment as shown below.
It is simply a matter of clicking in the area where you add text and then clicking on the place inline button (3) as highlighted below.
Screen 4.jpg
The image will then be added as shown below (4). Text can also be added before or after the picture is attached. Once your photos and text have been added simply click on Submit (5), and the picture and text will be added to the forum.
Screen 5.jpg
If you need further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Richard. THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
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