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Campe's Motor Museum - Hamilton Vic

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:45 pm
by griffin
Switching on the tellie on Saturday arvo (7-7-2012) I just caught part of an item on Discover Downunder that was showing an old van in a musuem. The host and the owner were then shown charging about the paddock in an old unrestored tourer with some kind of a camper trailer on the back. Unfortunately I didn't catch where it was so I went hunting on their web site and still couldn't find it. Maybe someone smarter than me with that stuff can :?
I did, however, find an earlier item on Campe's Motor Museum in Hamilton, Victoria which showed part of his car collection, an old bondwood and his Flexible Clipper motor home, all in the Museum. Check it out at this link Campe's - the first half of the clip is about other stuff but you can short cut by clicking along the download bar, it seems to load pretty quickly.
