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Optus penguins take up caravanning.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:04 pm
by griffin
While in the local mall the other day I passed the Optus shop and saw the penguins in their convertible pass across a display screen outside the shop. The convertible had an Airstream in tow which in turn was towing another Airstream so the penguins seem to have been bitten by the VV bug :o The whole scene isn't visible in it's entirety but rolls across the screen. I tried to take a photo but of course can only get it in sections and I'm not smart enough on the computer to put it all together so here are two photos.
optus 1.JPG
optus 2.JPG
optus 2.JPG (74.48 KiB) Viewed 881 times
I stuck my head in the shop thinking they may have literature with he vans on, only to be grabbed by an assistant. Turned out she couldn't help as they have nothing printed with the car and vans on :cry: I've since seen an advert on TV with the vans and again it only rolls across the screen.
Seems everyone wants to be in on a popular theme.
