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Shellharbour 2021

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 11:10 am
by jubbard

The dates for Shellharbour this year are Wednesday 13th to Wednesday 20th October or how many days you choose to stay.

We have 28 vans confirmed and waiting for 2 more to confirm today. There are 2 sites available in our area, sites 32N and 20N and if you would like to book one of these sites please call the park on 4295 1123 and mention Judy .

We would love you to join us and everyone is welcome

Jude & Geoff

Re: Shellharbour 2021

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 7:08 am
by reddo
Hi Jude..

Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this event.. always a great week of Vintage Vanning in a great part of the world.

I would recommend if anyone is thinking about coming along this year that they book in NOW... Otherwise if you leave it till later on you may end up on a site amongst those horrible big late model white boxes.... or worse still.. not be able to get a site at all.... ooooooohhhh bugga. !!

Always good to have all the old vans in the one area of the park... makes for great photo opportunities .. and ... if you get in early on a vint van site you wont feel "alienated" from the rest of us.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone and soaking up the atmosphere .. and a few happy hour drinks as well.
