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Tivoli Garage

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:51 pm
by Richard
Tivoli Garage.
Mr L. W. Hartrick.
873 Hay St.
Perth. Western Australia.

The following image "poped up" on Facebook last week.

Tivoli Garage 1932.jpg

And after a little bit of research on trove I found the following information.

Tivoli Garage 1932 2.jpg
Tivoli Garage.jpg

In 1923 the old Tivoli rink was taken over by the Summit car agency/mechanic/petrol station.

Call October 1923.jpg
Western Mail  June 1933.jpg

You may well ask what this has to do with the caravan? Well it seems as though Mr L Hartrick was hiring the 4 berth caravan as this 1933 ad shows.

West Australian October 1933.jpg

It wasnt long lived as this 1935 ad shows that the Tivoli Garage was sellin what seems to be their one off hire caravan.

The West Australian Oct 1935.jpg