Propert Folding Caravans.

A History of Caravan Manufacturers in Australia.
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Propert Folding Caravans.

Post by Richard »


Propert Folding Caravans.

A Brief History

Propert Motor Body works originally started in 1910 form the Trocodero Palace 69-77 King St. Newtown. (click on address for location.) The Palace was originally built in 1878 and housed a roller-skating rink with live orchestra, billiard room, hairdressing salon and hot and cold baths.

The workshop opened in May 1910 and Properts were mainly building car bodies to be bolted to imported chassis. After the war and with small body building workshops like this struggling to survive with changes to the car assembly industry, Thomas Propert decided to diversify into caravan manufacture.
Propert Ad 1930's.jpg
Propert Ad 1930's.jpg (29.57 KiB) Viewed 22403 times

Well before 1952 the Propert Motor Body works change the name to Propert Gold Seal Products and move to a new workshop at 765-771 Old South Head Rd. Vaucluse. (click on address for location.) During 1954 the workshop address changed to 771, then back to 765-771 and then by 1970 the workshop was downsize and traded form 765 Old south Head Road. The folding caravan was invented by Mr Thomas Aw Propert with several patents taken out in his name, in Australia 2/10/1952 Patent Number 156.007 . New Zealand 30/08/1955, Great Britain 24/09/1953 and America 31/08/1953. Thomas Propert finally retired from the business in 1954, leaving Thomas Propert Jnr in charge of the manufacture of these little caravans up untill 1974 when he retired as well and the business was closed.


Abridged Specifications.

Wheels: 13, 15 or 16 inch.
Construction: Marine plywood fixed to timber frames on steel runners
Chassis : Splayed steel draw bar with ball and socket hitch, semi-elliptic springs, forged dropped steel axle and disc wheels.
Finished: Sprayed Dulux enamel finish (colours light cream or pretty light blue grey outside, light cream inside) with attractive red or green mattress, sink and handles on cabinets and complete with curtains, flyscreens etc. the main double bed is inner sprung 6ft long and approx 9in wide.
Weight of 5cwt. Which is about 254kg.

Approximate Dimensions:
Closed: 6ft long. 5ft 3in high from ground and 6ft wide
Opened: 9ft long 7ft 6in high from ground and 6 ft wide
Headroom: about 6ft 3in at centre

Prices as at 1954.
Prices at our works, fully complete incl sales tax $445
Or with smaller wheels and special bearings $420
Or unfurnished $370
Or unfurnished with smaller wheels $345
Or unfurnished in prime coat and smaller wheels $315
Or unfurnished, unpainted and with smaller wheels $295
(vehicle in tow-away form with all windows, doors, bed base, lock and keys).

Propert Fast Back Special Delux model (available from 1966 On)

Has all the quality and finer points of the conventional model. PLUS: compact exterior profile for travel and easier unfold.
1. Larger and more attractive shaped side windows for better vision
2. Left side rear window opening sliding for additional ventilation
3. Shatter proof panes to side and front windows for insurance against stone or hail damage.
4. Table permanently hinged to side of wall, folding upwards when not in use to give more interior space.
5. New design lighter to handle (3 section) mattress for easier set up and more compact travel fold.
6. Repositioned front opening window ( with lower sill ) for improved panoramic view and air circulation.
7. Lighter and brighter more attractive exterior and interior colours.
Exteriors, off white or cream. Interior, a very pretty pale green or cream. Attractive mattress cushions, curtains, lino and fittings to tone.

This is for the fastidious selective client and costs only $50 more than the conventional model.

Propert's standard folding caravan.
Propert's standard folding caravan.
Properts Fast Back model.
Properts Fast Back model.
To have a look at Propert No.39 on youtube click on the following red link.

Propert 39


To view my collection of Propert Folding Caravan brochures click on the link below, which will take you back to the main website.

Brochure Collection

Factory Instruction Sheet.
Propert ins.jpg

1955 Motoring Article.

Note that on the 2nd page, 3rd photo down that this caravan was a prototype and had a raised section in the floor for the axle, that was deleted in later models.
Propert article1.jpg
Propert article2.jpg
Propert article3.jpg

I have been given an original Propert Folding Caravan backlit display sign that was used at the 1956 Caravan show and a few other shows after that.
The following five images are used on the display sign.

Propert Folding Caravan Ads
Propert Ad 1955.jpg
Propert 1967.jpg THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
Posts: 2450
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Re: Propert Folding Caravans.

Post by Richard »

Properts Fast Back Model.

These first two images show the different rear end profile ( or roof when folden out ) of the Fast Back model at the top and the Standard Model Below.
Thest two images are of the Fast Backs sliding window on the left hand side at the rear.
The final image is of the rear door, which is about 100mm wider that the Standard model
RIMG1612.JPG THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
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Re: Propert Folding Caravans.

Post by Richard »

Propert Folding Caravan Annex.

The image below is of an annex made in the 1950's by a husband and wife team that copied the size and shape from an original annex.
Propert Annex.jpg
This is a small cover I had made for my Propert, although it could do with two more poles at the rear of the caravan.
Propert Annex.JPG THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
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Re: Propert Folding Caravan Register.

Post by Richard »


Over the past 4 years I have been collecting the serial Nos from the Propert Folding Caravans and keeping a record of who owns them and what state they are in. So if you own one that isn't on the list or the list needs to be updated just email me.

Serial No.......39.
Current Location......NSW
Build date...........1953.
Special Features.......Earliest Serial No I know of.
Forum member Richard
Have a look at My Propert
Have a look at Propert 39 on YouTube.

Serial No........62
Current Location..... NSW
Build date............1954 ?
Special Features.......
Forum member TL6367
Have a look at TL6367's Propert

Serial No........72
Current Location..... NSW
Build date............1954 ?
Special Features.......Was reclad in aluminium at the Propert workshop.
Forum member Richard.
Have a look at My Propert

Serial No.......96
Current Location..... NSW
Build date...........1955 ?
Special Features.......This Propert is in very good original condition with an original annex made by Rogers Parents.
Have a look at Rogers Propert

Serial No.......138
Current Location.....NSW
Build date..........1956 ?
Special Features.......Was originally just the id plate sold on eBay, then it was matched to a caravan with no id plate.
Have a look at Propert138

Serial No.......152
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1958 ?
Special Features.......
Have a look at Wally's Propert story and Wally's Propert photo

Serial No.......162
Owner.............Birdwood Museum SA.
Current Location..... South Australia
Build date...........1960 ?
Special Features.......Permanent display at the museum.
Have a look at the Museums Propert

Serial No.......176
Owner.............Power House Museum
Current Location..... In storage Sydney
Build date...........1960 ?
Special Features.......The square windows look to be added later, said to be VW windows.
Have a look at information on this Propert
There is also a Photo Album that goes with this Propert.

Serial No....................199
Reciept date...............1962

Have a look at the Propert Receipt

Serial No.......201
Current Location..... NSW
Build date...........1961 ?
Special Features.......Very good original condition.
Forum member Richard

Serial No........206
Current Location...... ?
Build date...........1961 ?
Special Features.......Sold on ebay.

Serial No.......213
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1961
Special Features.......
Forum member Plygirl.
Have a look at Leanne's Propert

Serial No.......220
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1962
Special Features.......This propert has an original ice box. Dave also has an original brochure and the Propert Envelope it was posted in, dating to 1961. So you could presume it was purchased after this date in 61 or 62.
Have a look at Dave's Propert

Serial No………221
Current Location……..…SA
Build date…………………1962
Special Features………....
Have a look at Dons Propert

Serial No.......228
Current Location..... Vic ?
Build date..........1963
Special Features.......First registered on the 14/12/63 with rego No TH4-646

Serial No.......238
Current Location..... Victoria
Build date..........1963
Special Features.......

Serial No.......243
Current Location..... ?
Build date..........1964
Special Features......Sold on eBay 2007
Have a look at this Propert

Serial No.......244
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1964
Special Features.......
Have a look at Bob's Propert

Serial No.......5.247
Current Location..... ACT
Build date..........1965
Special Features.......The first Propert I have on record with the first number of the serial number indicating the year of manufacture.
Have a look at Elwins' Propert

Serial No.......5.249
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1965
Special Features.......
Have a look at Dans Propert

Serial No………5.254
Current Location……..… NSW
Build date…………………1965
Special Features………....
Have a look at Johns Propert

Serial No.......5.257
Owner.............Watsons Caravans
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1965
Special Features.......On display at the caravan yard in Coffs Harbour. Has a very unusual pop up roof.
Have a look at Watson Caravans Propert

Serial No..........5.259
Owner..............Last seen 2005
Current Location..........?
Build date...........1965
Special Features.
Have a look at the last known photos of Propert 5.259

Serial No.......5.261
Current Location..... Qld
Build date..........1965
Special Features.......For Sale

Serial No.......6.266
Current Location..... Vic
Build date..........1966
Special Features.......
Have a look at This Propert

1966 is the transition from the "Round" Porthole windows, to the "Square" Trapazoid windows, so that a sliding rear left side window can be a feature of the newly released "Fast Back" model. At this stage I havnt been able to find out at what month the change was made, but as more information comes in I should be able to narrow it down.

Serial No.......6.279
Owner..............Motor Life Museum
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1966
Special Features.......First "Fast Back" that I have on record. On display at the museum in the Illawarra.
Have a look at the Museum's Propert

Serial No.......6.282
Current Location......NSW
Build date..........1966
Special Features......."Fast Back" model
Forum member bluetangjo
Have a look at bluetangjo's Propert

Serial No.......7.286
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1967
Special Features......."Fast Back" model.
Forum member sweetie.
Have a look at Sweetie's Propert

Serial No…………7.289
Current Location……..… NSW
Build date…………………April or May 1967
Special Features………....This is a rare Fast Back Propert that has all of the normal extras of a fast back, larger back door etc. What makes this Propert extremely rare is that it has the older style round "porthole" windows and it also has a lift up roof section in the back shell.
Forum member Richard
Have a look at My Propert
Have a look at Propert 7.289 on YouTube.

Serial No.......8.310
Current Location..... Vic
Build date..........1968
Special Features.......Fast Back model. Sold on eBay.
Have a look at this Propert
Have a look at the latest photos of Propert 8.310

Serial No.......8.311
Current Location.....NSW
Build date.........1968
Special Features.......Fast back model.
Have a look at This Propert

Serial No......8.313
Current Location.....NSW
Build date.........1968
Special Features.......For sale on eBay ending the 29/7/09. This is a rare "Fast Back" model
Have a look at This Propert

Serial No.......8.315
Current Location..... ?
Build date..........1968
Special Features.......This van was first registered on the 28/8/68 with rego No RM 5788

Serial No………8.316
Current Location……..…NSW
Build date…………………1968
Special Features………....Fastback model.
Have a look at Georges Propert

Serial No.......8.318
Current Location..... Qld
Build date..........1968
Special Features.......
Have a look at Ray's Propert

Serial No.......8.322
Current Location..... ?
Build date..........1968
Special Features.......

Serial No..........9.330
Current Location.....Victoria
Build date.........1969
Special Features.......Fast Back model.
Have a look at Chris' Propert

Serial No.......9.333
Owner.............National Museum of Australia.
Current Location..... ACT
Build date..........1969
Special Features.......First registered on the 12/9/69 to Mr Alan Squires of Bega who owned it from 1969 to 1986. Fast Back model in storage at the museum with advertising signs.
Have a look at information on this Propert

Serial No.......9.338
Current Location..... ?
Build date..........1969
Special Features........

Serial No.......9.340
Current Location..... ?
Build date..........1969
Special Features.......

Serial No.......70.341
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1970
Special Features.......Fast Back model.First Registered on the 6/5/1970 with rego No RT 4838.
Forum member Greame.
Have a look at Graeme's Finished Propert
Have a look at Greame's Propert restoration story.

Serial No.......70.345
Current Location..... Tasmania
Build date..........1970
Special Features.......Fast Back model. Sold on eBay.
Have a look at This Propert

Serial No.......71.355
Current Location..... NSW
Build date..........1971
Special Features........
Forum member Richard THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
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Location: Central Coast, NSW

Re: Propert Folding Caravans.

Post by bluetangjo »

Hey Richard, when are we going to have a Propert book??? :roll: :roll: ;)

Jo (NOT a cane toad) :P
Posts: 2450
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:01 pm

Re: Propert Folding Caravans.

Post by Richard »

Hi Jo.
Have up dated register, sorry for saying you were a cane toad. :lol: :lol:

Richard THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:49 am
Location: Central Coast, NSW

Re: Propert Folding Caravans.

Post by bluetangjo »

Thanks Richard.

Now if I read the above correctly you have four of these little treasures!! :shock: :shock:

That means you are by default the President of the Propert society & in charge of the Propert book, the Propert calendar & the Propert round Australia tour! :idea: :D :D

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Re: Propert Folding Caravans.

Post by Richard »

Hi Jo.
Dont know about the Propert President or the Propert Calender, but there will be a calendar available later this year. Same with the Propert around Australia Tour but there is a Propert and its owner travelling to Perth from Lithgow driving an Austin Ute I think.

Richard. THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
Posts: 2450
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:01 pm

Re: Propert Folding Caravans.

Post by Richard »

I have been in contact with Phil and Lesley this week who own a Propert Folding Caravan, that in its self is not that unusual but they are from New Zealand.

They have emailed some photos of their Propert to me and it is interesting to note that the Properts in New Zealand were built under licence to J. F. Hargrave in Auckland, Cristchurch, Duneden and Invercargil, and aslo to Burnett and Hargrave in Gisborne, and Hutchinson Wilson and Co in Wellington.

I have included a photo of the ID plate on the back which looks to be about half the size of the ID plates on mine.
Propert NZ.jpg THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
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Re: Propert Folding Caravans.

Post by Richard »

To add to Properts New Zealand connection, Bill has emailed me a copy of the original New Zealand brochure. At this stage I am not sure what year the brochure is from, and it would be interesting to know when they started building Properts in New Zealand under license.
NZ Propert Brochure.jpg

I have had a look through the New Zealand caravan book " Vantastic" and found a couple of photos of Properts.

The first photo is of a Propert at French Pass in 1987. It is interesting to note that the caption reads "An Australian made Propert Folding Caracan at French Pass. These caravans were imported in small numbers and prized for their compact size."

Propert at French Pass

The second photo is from Pauline Newman who bought her Propert in the 1960's.

Paulines Propert THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
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