Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

A History of Caravan Manufacturers in Australia.
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Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by Richard »

1959 Caravan Show Ad.
Caravan Show 59.jpg THE vintage caravan restoration website
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Re: Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by Richard »

1962 Caravan Sow Ad.
Caravan Show 62.jpg THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
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Re: Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by griffin »

After following up some information in a recently posted Caravan Park advertisement that referred to the N.R.M.A. Camping and Caravan Exhibition in 1939 I found the following items relating to this show in various issues of the N.R.M.A. "Open Road" Newspaper.
This neat advertisement was published on Oct. 5, 1939.
N.R.M.A. Camping & Caravan Exhibition - Open Road - Oct 5, 1939.jpg
The review of the show was published on Nov. 2, 1939 but is a very generalised description and unfortunately does not go into any detail. A list of exhibitors is provided and I've included a detail copy as well. The most interesting thing in the article to me is the last paragraph which states, "Thus the N.R.M.A.'s second outdoor holiday exhibition is over." Now of course I'll have to see when and what was exhibited in the way of caravans at the first one!
NRMA Camping  & Carvan Exhibition -  Open Road 2-11-39-c.jpg
The list of exhibitors.
NRMA C & C OR 2-11-39.jpg
To clarify the caravan exhibitors, J. G. Ledsam offered Sunchaser caravans, J. G. Murphy traded as J.G.M. Bungalow Trailers and Transport Engineering Company produced Nomad caravans.
I know the name G. H. Olding but I can't for the moment connect to their business.
"Property" Pty Ltd is in fact a typo and should read Properts who exhibited their "The Open Road Caravan" at the show.

The photo referred to is included below and has also been included on the Propert thread. Unfortunately it is the only photo of the exhibition published. "The Open Road Caravan" is the one bottom left corner.
N.R.M.A. Camping & Caravan Exhibition - Open Road 2-11-1939-ec.JPG
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Re: Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by griffin »

Just a little update on the listing for G. H. Olding & Sons under the 1939 N.R.M.A list of exhibitors.
I've found they were at 47 Parramatta Road, Glebe and they were body builders. I found my reference to them, a list of Motor Body Builders published in the Motor Traders Association Journal in May 1920. There were 30 companies listed at that time that were members of the Association and engaged in motor body building, the good old days. There was no doubt quite a few about who were not members too.
By 1939 many of them were doing it tough and lots had gone out of business so the fact that Olding, like Propert's were still at it was a good sign. Just what they offered that found them listed under the caravan exhibitors isn't known, it may have been chassis, custom vans or building of motor caravans.
Unfortunately the article didn't reveal just who exhibited what, more research :roll: :roll:
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Re: Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by griffin »

This item is from Motor Manual, 15 September, 1955 and is the centre pages of that issue. It is a preview of the Second Annual C.T.I.A. Show to be held 26 Sept., 1955 to 1 Oct., 1955 and lists the various exhibitors, some 18 in all. I bet we all wish we could crank up the Tardis and go back in time for a look, collect a few brochures and go mad with a digital camera.

Mr. Winser's Flynn van appears to be a feature of the show, and a recent Motor Show. The photograph of it is a montage with the van superimposed on a background scene. I sometimes wonder if he actually went caravanning, he liked these montage photographs of his vans.
CTIA Show - Motor Manual 15 Sept, 1955..JPG
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Re: Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by griffin »

From my Trove searches The Argus (Melb) 6-5-1937 carried an advertisement for The Great Coronation Motor Show, conducted from 20th - 29th May, 1937. Caravans received prominent billing in that advertisement below.
81-The Argus (Melb) 6-5-1937.jpg
81-The Argus (Melb) 6-5-1937.jpg (64.7 KiB) Viewed 2090 times
Another item relating to the show was published a bit further afield in Queensland Country Life 13-5-1937 and indicated that no less than 11 manufacturers would exhibit.
83-Queensland Country Life - 13-5-1937.jpg
83-Queensland Country Life - 13-5-1937.jpg (64.8 KiB) Viewed 2090 times
Quite a few items were published in various papers about the impending show, and the following review of the caravan exhibits appeared in The Argus on 20-5-1937, along with advertisements for several manufacturers, on the same page. I have 'edited' this item as other, non related articles were also included making it rather disjointed, so it will look a little different if you look it up on Trove. Unfortunately the 4 berth caravan shown in the article isn't identified. It's a very pleasant looking van.
205 -  Caravan Show -The Argus (Melb) 20-5-1937.jpg
The workshop shown is only described as being in Gardenvale.
The companies that advertised were, Windmill, stand No 5, Land Cruiser stand No 7, Romany Road stand No 2 and Care-Free stand No 3, and all these adverts have been posted previously under the respective name. I've not been able to find a list of exhibitors to know who the rest were, but I did find an advertisement in the classifieds for Don Caravans who stated explicitly they were not exhibiting at the show although their vans could be seen in comfort at their showrooms.

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Re: Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by griffin »

This advertisement for the 13th Annual C.T.I.A. Caravan Show in 1966.
13th Caravan Show Melb-AMM Oct, 1966-.jpg
And check out the admission prices!!

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Re: Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by Richard »

Here is a little more info on the 1939 NRMA Caravan Exhibition, as shown in the third post down by Griffin. This time it is advertised on a 1940 post marked envelope.
NRMA 1940 2.JPG
NRMA 1940 1.JPG THE vintage caravan restoration website
and home of The National Caravan Museum.
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Re: Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by griffin »

Wow Richard, what a great find, bet you are thrilled with that one, I'm :mrgreen: with envy :!:


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Re: Caravan Show Articles and Brochures.

Post by griffin »

Here's a small advertisement and article about the 4th Annual C.T.I.A. Caravan Show from Royalauto, September, 1957.
Caravan Show advert - Royalauto 1957-9.jpg
caravan show article - Royalauto 1957-9.jpg
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